According to my handy dandy Biology textbook: Artificial selection is the intentional choosing of individuals of a species for the purpose of reproduction. Choices are based on the presence or absence of certain traits with the result that the desired characteristics will appear in subsequent generations. It is the intentional breeding for certain traits, or combination of traits.So this term was coined by the Charles Darwin to contrast this form of selection to Natural Selection. The difference between the two is that in artificial selections: humans favour specific traits also in natural selection humans have no control over choosing the specific traits.
Farm animals are a great example of Artificial Selection because they are individually scored to fit the criteria in which the breeder wants to produce a large amount of meat or produce. Animal breeders can highly change the characteristics of these domestic animals. They do this by selecting good candidates who are capable of meeting the desirable qualities expected by the owner. If these desirable characteristics grow over the years among the chosen plant or animal the breeding increases and continues the evolution process. I believe that this Artificial Selection will cause a great decline in other animals and plants because of the higher rate in the main focused plants and animals. Once these organisms are neglected, there will be a dramatic increase in the extinction of this Organism. But in the downfall we all know all of the outbreaks: MadCow, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Samonella ,the diseases were once transmitted from these organisms to humans. Breeding a specific kind of animal may lead to a hazardous ending.
For my examples I’m going for a different approach
A day ago, I came across a youtube makeup guru, MichellePhan. Personally I think she is one of the most amazing makeup artists I’ve seen in a long time. So we see that in her videos she offers tutorials on how to achieve a desirable look. Most people would think that it is really a dumb idea considering that everybody looks different. This is why I’ll be applying artificial selection to make-up.
Make up is considered to be a great invention to humankind and also not. Although it has always been debated on natural and artificial beauty we all know that makeup is temporary. The main reasons for women wearing makeup is to end up with their desired look. Make up is designed to evolve a humans features in so many ways ending up with a desirable outcome. Just like the following picture:
Just like how animals transmitting illnesses to humankind, Makeup is also considered to destroy the youth of one’s natural face. So we see a very close relation between contrasting two different concepts of Artificial Selection.But hey, people are getting smarter and smarter, they don’t need makeup anymore we have PHOTOSHOP. No pain, no gain that’s what they’d say.
Artificial Selection -
Make up -
Mad Cow -
Makeup Makeovers -